Friday, December 23, 2011

Breaking Dawn - Spoiler Alert!

   I have seen Breaking Dawn for the fourth time today, I’m still way behind- compared to those who say they have seen it for the eleventh time lol! It is worth the time indeed and the multiple viewings not only for ogling at Edward and Bella’s beauty but first for the pleasure that we  finally watching breaking dawn, the wait is over and I thought it won’t be over like 9 months ago!

Bella’s usual intro this time foretells the movie is about maturity and for a devote twifan I know what is to come is beyond childhood experiences and for poor Bella to have to endure it all, my heart aches for her nervousness and courage.

I loved how she handled Edward’s confession the night before her wedding telling him he is proof she can survive her vampire transformation because he is capable of courage, love and sacrifice.

Her first wedding dress is so perfect as well as the second I was hoping it is receiving the same hype and Edward makes a perfect groom, doesn’t he? The wedding vows, kiss ( which will definitely win best kiss for “you name it awards” next year because we are not letting anyone else get it) and the guest toasts were just perfect! 

Walking the streets of Rio, Isle Esme and getting ready to the wedding night was super cool, and I think it would have been great if the love scene focused on the unnatural aspects of their union like biting the pillows to resist killing Bella or when he lost control and bruised her.

For those who didn’t read the books it looks like a normal steamy love scene,with the exception of the crushed headboard, it could have been an old bed lol-- I think it should have looked more awkward in the process. I was over hearing remarks such as “what? he got over excited?”, somehow the physical impossibility of their union didn’t translate. Outside this context it is a super lovely scene.

The rest of the outdoor honeymoon scenes were so brief formed as short sketches that the spoilers we have seen before the film make one feels they were cut so short. Edward didn’t sparkle for once throughout! I believe it would have looked really nice to see him sparkle again maybe at the waterfall or in Bella’s dreams. 

I didn’t like Edward’s hair style, eyebrows and the burgundy colors they gave him specially that Rob looked way slimmer than twilight and they could have made him look way closer if they didn’t narrow the space over his eyes with heavier brows. I don’t know why they changed his hair color. His eyes were perfect as his lenses were definitely of a much better quality than his cousins for instance. 

Bella was perfect! I can’t think of one thing that I would have liked her to change. I think Kristen gave an outstanding performance as a teen mum who never got a taste of true happiness for more than two weeks until she realized she is carrying a bloodsucking baby and death was at the end of it. I loved how Rob and Kristen played their parts, one of my favorite scenes is when Edwards hears the baby, and they find their single happy moment after their turmoil. 

The CGI in Breaking Dawn is literally flawless, I have a sharp eye for details and this one had all the morphing just right to perfection. The Wolves, Jacob phasing and Bella’s bony figure was so real even when she had her leggings on, it was creepy! The birth scene was great I just felt they were a bit slow in paying attention to Bella after the baby was out. I was like ok she is sedated she can’t feel the pain now when Edward gave her Renesmee, but come on! She has got to be bleeding what r u waiting for!

With the exception of the imprinting scene and the actual baby I think the CGI was a bit off, Mackenzie Foy looked digitally animated as a grown up, there were blends of footage and animation and I thought the morphing was a bit rushed in that scene. There was no need I guess for us to see her fully grown just to see her as a future mate for Jacob; he loves her as a child that’s how it is (we didn’t see her teeth or hair) I believe such details were important to stay true to the book.

Vampire Bella looked gorgeous and as the last blood cell was seized by the venom her heart stops beating, I thought that was beautifully done. 

The cut for the end of part one is perfect and it leaves us in real anticipation for the final film. I can only think of the wait now that the sand clock has been flipped again, I’m simply trying to keep myself from going nuts!

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